Communication that Cures Problems

Opposites attract and likes repel. When a couple cannot accommodate their “attractive differences” and tries to act as one person, the second half of magnetic law is set into action. A widening gulf develops as partners start to repel each other and differences become extreme. The first step to bridging this chasm is to become…

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The Link Between PTSD and Substance Abuse

PTSD and substance use often are closely connected, but many people may not be aware of this. Here is some information from our IOP workbook, inspired by the amazing work Seeking Safety by  Lisa M. Najavits. You are not alone! For people with substance abuse, PTSD is one of the most common dual diagnoses. Among…

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Causes and Cures of Relationship Problems

If your car was stuck in sand, would you continue to press on the gas pedal or would you get out and figure out a new line of action? Most people would do the latter. Yet, when it comes to relationships, people often keep their foot on the gas and dig themselves deeper. A person…

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What is EMDR?

Sometimes we experience traumas or events in our lives that leave us with unseen scars or wounds. These psychological wounds, if untreated, can fester and affect not only our lives but also those around us, in particular immediate family members. Here at Eastside Center for Family we are committed to treating and helping those affected…

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We now offer EMDR!

We are pleased to announce that our therapist Rachel Larson now has EMDR specialty! This service is available for people who are dealing with symptoms of trauma, anxiety, and depression. EMDR is highly effective in helping clients process and find greater freedom from emotional pain. Rachel is taking new clients. Please contact us if you…

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What is Somatic Experiencing?

A person very close to me was involved in a head-on collision as a young man. Riding a motorcycle late at night he was struck by a drunk driver who pulled out of his lane to pass a car. It was so sudden; the young man barely had time to react but managed to avoid…

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An excellent drama is presented within the BBC video production, “Mountain Gorilla, Kingdom in the Clouds” involving a three-year-old baby gorilla abandoned by her mother in the mountains of the African Congo. The baby was part of a Gorilla troop, but ignored and forgotten by the other members. This is a very dangerous situation for…

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How the heck do I find a “good” therapist?

How people make the decision to pick one counselor or program over another when seeking help seems to come down to one thing, does the therapist call you back.  If you are able to get a call back what to ask is the next step towards getting in to see if you like the person…

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Numbing Out

Everybody does it.  All of us have times when we do something like drinking an extra glass of wine to take the edge off, eat a sleeve of Oreos while watching Netflix, work crazy hours for days in a row, obsess over a hobby.  Numbing out is so common place is it not always noticed…

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Mother Teresa and Compassion Fatigue

In doing a little research recently, I came upon a site that talked about Mother Teresa’s philosophy on the work of helping others.  Her plan indicated that she understood compassion fatigue based on her recommendation that her nuns take a year off from their work every five years to allow them time to heal from…

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